Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lowering High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Naturally With Eight Healthy Juices.

Nutritionists and health care professionals all over the globe recommend that “One should eat five servings of fruit and vegetables a day.”
We hear it and give a smile and promise ourselves that we will try to pick up one or two fruits at least today.
But staying healthy is very important in this era, as stress level always stays on the top in our life.
If you give a thought to what you eat, you can plan and have all the necessary nutrients required for the body.
Fruit Juices and Vegetable Juices are a good way to a healthy diet plan.
Juices are a good way of hydrating yourself and also adding up your nutrient level at the same time.
People who hate eating fruits and vegetables should always go for a juice glasses whenever they have the opportunity.
High blood pressure sufferers specially should have a diet which can help them to lower their pressure naturally.
I am listing here some healthy fruit and vegetable diet which will help lower high blood pressure .These also support the cardiovascular system by their diuretic activity or by their powerful antioxidants.
Instead of having the veggies and fruits, you can combine it with tasty ingredients and have a variety of juices every day.
So now you don’t have any excuse for skipping your five servings a day.

1. Beet root
Beet root contains inorganic nitrates which are transformed to nitric oxide after ingestion. Nitric oxide helps to relax the blood vessels which help to lowers the blood pressure naturally.
Beetroot Juice
One can combine this vegetable juice with cucumber and pineapple. Peel two beetroots, and two cucumbers. Peel and core a small pineapple. Cut all the ingredients in to pieces and add lemon juice of half a lemon along with a small spring of mint. Blend it till it smoothens.
 2. Celery
Celery is one of the most hydrating and nutritious foods. Celery contains powerful body fluid regulators like sodium and potassium which acts as a diuretic and helps in the removal of excess body fluid

Celery juice with carrots and apples.

Take 4 stalks of celery along with two carrots and an apple. Remove the carrot tops and the core the apple. Slice the carrot, apple and celery. Blend and enjoy.

3. Tomato.

Tomatoes have a very high content of potassium, folate, vitamin B6, and niacin. Lycopene, a strong anti-oxidant in red tomatoes helps in protecting blood lymphocytes and also reduces LDL cholesterol. Hence it helps in lowering blood pressure also.
Blend two tomatoes .then add mint leaves or ginger and blend again. Strain it and chill it.

4. Kiwi fruit
Kiwi fruit has high potassium along with the antioxidant, flavanoid. Kiwi is also a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E along with magnesium and copper.
Kiwi fruit juice strengthens our immune system and also helps regulate blood pressure.
Kiwi and Apple juice
Peel three kiwis and core and slice two apples. Blend and serve.

5. Strawberries
Strawberries have many significant l phytonutrients and antioxidants. In addition to potassium, vitamin C, strawberries also are a good source of vitamin C, K folic acid, vitamin B5, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Strawberry juice.
Wash and make thin slices of strawberries. Sprinkle a tablespoon of sugar on it and refrigerate for an hour till you see the juice coming out. Blend it with water and lemon juice. Strain and serve.

6. Banana

Banana is called a power food as it is an energy booster. .A rich source of potassium and iron It also elevates your mood as it has a protein tryptophan, which the body converts into serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that is known to make you feel happy
Banana juice
Blend two ripe bananas along with four dates and some fresh milk. Chill and serve.

7. Passion Fruit.
A tangy fruit rich in vitamins A, B and C and has nutrients like iron, calcium carbohydrates and proteins. It also has laxative properties. It helps in removing uric acid from the body and reducing blood pressure
Passion Fruit Juice
Select ripe passion fruits .Cut it in to half and remove the pulp with a spoon. Blend the pulp with water in a ratio of 1(pulp): 3(water).Blend only till the seeds separate from the pulp. Sieve it and add three times more water and sugar as per the taste. Chill and serve.
8. Apricot
 An amazing source of Vitamin C, antioxidants like beta-carotene and carotenoids.  Apricot juice is also a good source of fiber and potassium
Carrot apricot juice.
Choose fresh carrots and apricorts.You can juice the whole apricot except for the stone, be sure to leave on the skins to ensure more fiber and antioxidants make it to the apricot juice. Cut the carrots and remove the stones from the apricots. Blend with a sprig of mint. Serve and enjoy.

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